» » № 2254. Cavalier of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called. Fazu Aliyeva (1932–2016), a Poet

№ 2254. Cavalier of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called. Fazu Aliyeva (1932–2016), a Poet


[Художник-дизайнер] – Drobyshev A.

Fazu Aliyeva (1932–2016)


Fazu Alijeva (1932-2016) is an outstanding poet, novelist, and journalist, a prominent public figure, a national poet of Dagestan, and a holder of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called.

She authored more than 80 books of poems and novels, many of which were translated into 68 languages.

Fazu Alijeva was awarded with two Badge of Honor Orders, the Order of Peoples’ Friendship, Orders of Merit for the Motherland of 4 and 3 degrees, and the Order of Merit for the Republic of Dagestan, along with many foreign and civic awards and literary prizes. In 1969, she was awarded the title of the national poet of Dagestan. In 2002, she was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called, Russia’s highest decoration, for her special merits to Russia.

The postage stamp features Alijeva’s portrait against her writing table and the sign of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called.

Printing method Paper Color Perforation Format of the stamp Format of the coupon Circulation
Offset + Partial Varnishing + Security Complex Coated Multicolor Comb 12:11 ½ 50×37 50×37 231000


Culture and art : Literature

Cavalier of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called. Fazu Aliyeva (1932–2016), a Poet
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Cavalier of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called. Fazu Aliyeva (1932–2016), a Poet. Moscow

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